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Summer Care For Dogs

May 15 2019

Summer is upon us! This may very well be Fido’s favorite time of year. However, summer does present its own dangers and challenges for our canine buddies, so you’ll want to tweak your dog’s care regimen a bit. Read on as a Crown Point, IN vet offers tips on caring for Fido in hot weather.


Making sure Fido always has fresh water is important all year, but it’s particularly crucial in summer. If you have a yard and/or a large home, set out multiple water stations.

Wellness Care

Summer is a prime time for dangerous parasites, like fleas and ticks. Keep up with Fido’s vaccinations and parasite control products!


Fido will be much more comfortable indoors, in rooms cooled by fans or air conditioners, on sweltering days. Limit your pup’s outdoor time when it’s really hot outside. Avoid overexerting your furry pal around midday, when temperatures are highest. Walk and play with Fido in the mornings and evenings, when it isn’t quite as hot out.

Paws For Thought

Fido’s paw pads are very delicate. Your pooch can easily burn his feet by walking or running on hot tar or asphalt. Keep him on soft grass as much as possible, and use paw balm to protect his feet.

Cool Treats

Who doesn’t enjoy a cold snack on a sweltering day? Buy Fido some doggy ice cream, which you can find in many pet stores. Your canine friend may also enjoy a bowl of chilled sodium broth. Or, you can make your furry companion some homemade goodies. Look online for recipes. Just be sure to only use pet-safe ingredients.


If you have a yard for your canine companion to play in, make sure your pup always has shade and shelter outside. Fido may also appreciate having a kiddie pool to splash around in on hot days.

Summer ‘Do

Some dogs are much more comfortable with shorter coats in hot weather. However, this isn’t the right option for every pooch. If Fido has a double coat, that thick fur will actually insulate him from the heat. Ask your vet for advice.


Never leave Fido alone in a car, even for just a few moments. Temperatures in vehicles can rise to deadly levels within minutes!

Please contact us, your Crown Point, IN vet clinic, for all of your dog’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!