Happy New Year! As we pull down our old calendars and put up fresh new ones, many of us will be pondering our personal goals for 2017. We will leave predictions and forecasts to others, but we can make a few educated guesses about some things Fluffy and Fido will do this year. Here, a Crown Point, IN vet lists some adorable things you can expect from your pet in the new year.
Beg For Attention
Our four-legged friends can be very affectionate, and many of them really love getting cuddled and petted. Fido and Fluffy sometimes decide they want to spend some quality time with their humans at inopportune moments. Your cat may sprawl out across your desk when you are working, while your dog may bark to let you know he wants a belly rub when you’re balancing your checkbook.
Play With Something Random
Does your dog bat water bottles around? Have you ever found Fluffy playing with a cotton swab? Our animal companions can be a bit silly at times. At some point this year, your four-legged pal will probably want to play with something that isn’t a toy.
Pretend Innocence
Dogs and cats are quite intelligent. Fluffy may know full well that she isn’t allowed on the kitchen counter, while Fido may completely understand that he isn’t supposed to be on the couch. At some point this year, you will find your furry buddy misbehaving, and you’ll be faced with an adorable ‘What, me?’ look of innocence from the guilty party.
Go For Success
Pets aren’t shy about letting us know what they want. Fido may snag a piece of food that drops to the floor, while Fluffy may rub against your legs to let you know she wants you to share your chicken. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Develop A Hilarious Obsession
If there’s one thing we know about Fido and Fluffy, it’s that they keep us laughing with their adorable quirks. Sometimes pets become fixated on fairly random things. Your kitty may decide that one particular box is her new favorite thing, while Fido may get super excited when he sees the neighbor’s cat walk by.
All of us here at your Crown Point, IN vet clinic want to wish you a wonderful new year. Please contact us with any questions or concerns about your pet’s health.