Did you know that August 22nd is Take Your Cat To The Vet Day? While we don’t necessarily mean that we want to see all of our feline patients on that one day, this is a great reminder to make an appointment for your pet. It’s also a wonderful time to discuss Fluffy’s veterinary care needs. Read on as a Crown Point, IN vet discusses taking your kitty to the vet.
Fluffy’s Changing Needs
When your furry buddy is a baby, she’ll need to visit us for her initial exams, vaccinations, parasite control. Microchipping and spay/neuter should also be done while your cat is still a kitten. (Note: we like to give kittens lots of cuddles and ear scritches, to make sure that little Fluffy’s purr is working correctly.) When your kitty is all grown up, she may only need to visit us once or twice a year, for exams, vaccinations, and parasite control. Once your furball reaches her golden years, she may need to see us more often, so her health can be closely monitored. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule.
Emergency Care
In between Fluffy’s regular appointments, keep a close eye on her, and watch for signs of sickness. Kitties often try to hide symptoms. This is an instinctive behavior that serves cats well in the wild, where showing signs of sickness can attract predators. However, it can make it tough for you to tell if your feline pal isn’t feeling well. Some things to watch for including hiding, poor grooming, vomiting, diarrhea, litterbox issues, and coughing, sneezing, or wheezing. Changes in behavior or vocalization can also be red flags. Contact your vet immediately if you notice anything unusual.
The Dreaded Car Ride
Although coming to see us is very much in Fluffy’s best interests, it isn’t necessarily her favorite thing to do. After all, our feline friends are generally not very fond of going for car rides! To make the trip a little easier for your kitty, add comfy bedding and toys to her carrier, and play the radio softly. Cat-calming products, like sprays, can also help. Try to avoid fast stops and starts, and choose a route without a lot of bumps.
Please contact us, your local Crown Point, IN animal clinic, with any questions or concerns about your furry pal’s health or care. We are here to help!